Red Basket

Pet's Ville welcomes an Italian restaurant.

Located out near Suvarnibhumi, in the doggy haven Pet’s Ville, Red Basket works under a fresh Italian market concept. The modern yet homey restaurant does both Italian and fusion dishes like mushroom bruschetta, smoked salmon with organic salad, grilled shrimp alfredo fettuccini and pizza parma. 

Located way out in the doggy-loving community Pet’s Ville, Red Basket works under a fresh Italian market concept.

The modern yet homey restaurant does both Italian and fusion dishes like mushroom bruschetta (B109), smoked salmon with organic salad (B269), grilled shrimp alfredo fettuccini (B429) and pizza parma (B289). 

Venue Details
Address: Red Basket, Pet's Ville, Sukhaphiban 2 Rd., Bangkok, Thailand
Phone: 089-956-9836
Cuisine: Italian
Open since: March, 2015
Opening hours: Mon-Tue 10am-8pm; Thu 10am-8pm; Fri 10am-8pm; Sat-Sun 9am-9pm
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