Karatama Robatayaki

With a focus on robatayaki (Japanese barbecue), the place functions somewhat like a Japanese market. 

Nostalgic and rustic, robatayaki is fine dining disguised as a simple sandpit barbecue, around which diners can gather and drink, izakaya-style. The delicate ingredients mean this is no pub grub, though. Karatama Robatayaki uses top-notch awabi (Japanese abalone), kinki (rockfish), Kagoshima beef and Hokkaido corn, imported twice a week from Japan. You can order them grilled, steamed or fried but be warned that the “market prices” are best for those on expense accounts.

Akanoya Robatayaki has been rebranded Karatama Robatayaki and now offers more variety.

Instead of purely robatayaki (Japanese barbecue), the place now functions somewhat like a Japanese market. First you choose your ingredients (imported twice a week from Japan) such as awabi (Japanese abalone), kinki (rockfish), Kagoshima beef and Hokkaido fresh corn. Then you choose your cooking method: grilled, fried or steamed.

Don’t know where to start? Order the assorted sashimi (starting from B800), Kagoshima beef hot pot (B1,100) or soy sauce-braised rockfish (starting from B2,000).

Venue Details
Address: Karatama Robatayaki, Piman 49, 46/10 Sukhumvit Soi 49, Bangkok, Thailand
Phone: 02-662-4237
Area: Phrom Phong
Cuisine: Japanese
Price Range: BBBB
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 5-11pm
Reservation recommended
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